Gallery Steiner Kurrentgasse 4, 1010 Wien, Ausstellung von 1.-27. Juli 2024

23. und 24. November Gemeinde Dunkelsteinerwald 3392 Mauer bei Melk Ausstellung und Adventklänge des Musikvereins Mauer. Danke an Herrn Stockinger für die Einladung.


Eröffnung Messerschmiedewerkstatt Joaquin Prinz in Loosdorf Wachaustraße 24, danke für die Möglichkeit einige meiner Malereien parallel dazu zu präsentieren.


Barcelona: FIABCN 2022 4.und 5.11.2022 Museo Maritim


Zurich Artbox.Project Zurich 3.0 - here you can see my certificates and my exhibited paintings.


Rome: Rossocinabro Galerie, April und Mai 2019 

Mantua: 2019 „Mantova Artexpo 2019“ in Diocesan Museum Franzesco Gonzaga, June 8.-15.
Theater in Mantua - awarding of the „International Prize Artist of the Year“ 2019, June 9.

Neuhofen, "Days of Open Ateliers", 19th October


Venice: Biennale of the Nations, March 2018

St.Pölten: ENML exhibition of some of my paintings for the occasion of ISO-certification, March 2018

Loosdorf: Ice cellar, Exhibition celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Cultural Association of Loosdorf, April 2018

Langenlois: Raika joint exhibition, May 2018

Loosdorf: Joint exhibition for the occasion of the „Days of open Ateliers“, October 2018

Loosdorf: Christmas Exhibition and presentation of an art-catalogue with the Forum of Art of Loosdorf. The art-catalogue was kindly sponsored by the government of Lower Austria and was presented by Prof. Sacher. Thank you!


St.Pölten: Exhibition in "Café im Palais Wellenstein“, March 2017

Sicily: MeArt, art fair in Palermo with criticism for my painting „Wonderful Dream“ ,Kritik von Paolo Levi, March 2017

Italy: Peschiera del Garda, Biennale d´Arte, April 2017

New York City: Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, curator Dir. Ruthie Tucker, presentation for a year, exhibition from 28th August - 2nd October 2017

Loosdorf: Joint exhibition with the Forum of Art of Loosdorf in the company Held & Francke, 25th November - 7th December 2017

Her ability to surpass visual boundaries really allows her to communicate through her work, bringing her paintings to life.

Paolo Levi – international art-critic
translated from italian to english


Florence: Awarding „Leonardo da Vinci“ Award , Palazzo Borghese, January 2016

Venice-Mira: Participation in the Bienale Riviera del Brenta, Villa Valier, Italy - April 2016; Awarding „Canaletto price“, Italy, April 2016

Paris: Carrousel du Louvre, art fair „Salon Artshopping“, May 2016

Milan: „Artexpo“, September 2016

Berlin: Gallery Marcia Frozen, Exhibition „Time Machine“, Curator Javier Ramirez, September 2016

Castle Gurhof: Exhibition on the occasion of the „Days of open Ateliers“, in the beautiful castle Gurhof, October 2016

Loosdorf: Exhibitions for the reopening „Everything in life is Energy“, October 2016

Support Centre for Wellbeing in Pielach: Exhibition at Monika Wahringer, October 2016 - April 2017

Vienna: Palais Sternberg, Italian Centre of Culture: Award ceremony and presentation of the catalogue „THE BEST 2016 MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS“ Curator Salvatore Russo und Dott.Francesco Saverio Russo, with my painting „Blue Lady“.


Budapest: first exhibition in Hungary, Titok Gallery/Secret Gallery, Topic „Inkognito“, June 2015

Budapest: second exhibition in Hungary, Titok Gallery/Secret Gallery, Topic „Erotik-Strakt“, September 2015 

Paris: Carrousel du Louvre, art fair „Salon Artshopping“, October 2015 

St.Pölten: Exhibition in the music-café EGON, November 2015


Participation in the „Days of open Ateliers“, October 2014


St.Pölten: Exhibition in the restaurant "Villa", December 2013


Neuhofen: Participation in the „Days of open Ateliers“, October 2014

St.Pölten: Exhibition Castle Viehofen, November 2012


Pielachtal: Exhibition in the Gallery of Rabenstein, June 2011

Krems: Exhibition in the Beerpub Piano, September 2011

Dunkelsteinerwald: Participation in the weekend of art, September 2011

Neuhofen: Participation in the „Days of open Ateliers“, October 2011


St.Pölten: Exhibition in the Centre of Innovation and Business (BIZ), September 2010

Neuhofen: Participation in the „Days of Open Ateliers“, October 2011


St.Pölten: Exhibition in the music-café EGON, December 2009


Vienna: Exhibition for the anniversary celebration of the artist agency AMT, June 2008

St.Pölten: Exhibition in the music-café EGON, December 2008

Hiking Day of Art and Music in Mauer: Exhibition of some of my paintings, April 2008

Kamptal: Exhibition in "Heurigen Burgstaller" in Zöbing, November 2008

St.Pölten: Exhibition in the music-café EGON, December 2008